Friday, May 6, 2011

Paper Makeup Stamps - Fairies Sneak Peek

Hi everyone! It seems like forever that we've had a new release from Paper Makeup Stamps! With us doing releases every other month, it seems like a long time ago! We've already had two days of sneaks that you can see on the PMS blog.

Today we are revealing a few new fairies, some single stamps, and a sentiment set. I have this cute fairy to reveal named Lea. I love this girl flying the kite! The perfect thing to do on a breezy spring day! I chose these fun papers from My Mind's Eye called Fine and Dandy True Blue. I colored her with copic markers to match the paper. The layout is from SCS this week.

We have a bunch of other sneaks to show you today. Please make sure you stop by the PMS blog to take a look! There are some fun things to see!

Tomorrow is release day at PMS. We have an all day blog hop starting at 7:00 am EST, then the release party at 9:00 pm EST in the PMS forum. We'd love to have you stop by and party with us!

I have another post today, so please take a look! Thanks for stopping by today! Hope to see you tonight and have a great weekend!



Carma said...

Love the paper pieced kite!! (and fabulous coloring as always!)

Tracey said...

Love Lea! And your card is fantastic!!

Crystal said...

AWWWW this is soooo super SWEET Lisa!

Michelle VP said...

So sweet! Love your coloring and the papers you chose to fit the sketch. :)


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